Thursday, 9 September 2010

Wedding news

Sorry it's been so long but every time I think I'll blog something gets in the way!! We have had a busy week having had the sons wedding last weekend in Stafford and I'm just recovering now. It was a great wedding with both bride and groom looking fab and seeming very happy.

Congraulations also go to my friend's daughter and her husband in Australia on the birth of their son on September 7th.

Here are some photos for you all to see and I promise to be back with news soon!!

The happy couple.

That confetti gets everywhere!!!!

The getaway car (borrowed from Dad) decorated!

Deb, the bride, determined not to get cake on her dress!

You just got to love the funny ones! Be back soon.


julie said...

ah there you are, I haven;t been blogging either this renovation has taken over my life. Hope you are well
love julie x

Sandi McBride said...

OMG Mary! I check in and find you have actually left blog tracks!!! I'm a happy girl but probably not as happy as that beautiful wedding couple, your Deb is beautiful!

ahomespunyear said...

Hi Mary, long time, no see! Hope you're OK. Lovely wedding photos.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful New Year.

Margaret and Noreen (now as

Sandi McBride said...

Just dropped by to speak and have a cuppa Yorkshire with you...hugs

Merisi said...

Dearest Mary,
how did I ever miss this post?
Belatedly, my best wishes on the lovely events,
I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Merisi said...

Dearest Mary,
how did I ever miss this post?
Belatedly, my best wishes on the lovely events,
I hope everyone is happy and healthy!