Well did it? No I'm not being rude but referring to the earthquke we experienced here last week.Did it wake me yes it did. As our substantial cast iron bed shook and the wardrobes doors rattled I thought a bomb had gone off at first and then realised it was an earthquake. Only lasted a very short time but still frightening. It must be so awful to be in the middle of a proper one. Of course my ever loving husband only woke after a sharp jab in the ribs from me and said" its only a gust of wind " and proceeded to start to snore!!
The weather has been very mixed of late with very high winds at times, a short show of some snow and frosts and then some beautiful sunshine. Spring is making an appearance in the garden but its still cold so I havent done much out there yet. Lovely indoor bulbs though.

Its been an eventful week. I had to go back to the Orthopaedic surgeon regarding the ongoing saga of my shoulder. I have been having physiotherapy for some time and although improved still not good. So I am to have an arthroscopy and freeing of the joint on 20th March. I have been prodded and poked this week, have had an armful of blood taken and my first ECG to ensure that I am fit enough for the general anaesthetic!!! It was all done in one visit to the hospital but we were there for 4 hours!! Sarah came with me and had taken her knitting Good job really! I an dreading the whole thing but it will be lovely to move it properly and to get rid of the constant pain. Typing is mostly reduced to one hand now with frequent rests.
So this was Tuesday and Wednesday was Sarahs birthday. We won't go into how old she is but its how old I feel knowing I was still in my 20s when she was born!! So happy birthday Sarah. I am sure she will be blogging about it.
Wednesday was also the day that son Mike had an interview for a promotion at work. He rang afterwards to say it would probably be Friday before he knew but has phoned me about an hour ago to tell me that he has got it. Great news son and many congratulations from us all. Its quite a big change in salary so hopefully this means that he will be able to get a mortgage soon as he wants to buy his first house.Talking of him reminds me that I never did post a pic of the quilt that I made for Debs and him for Christmas. It was down to the wire as they say but I just managed to finish it in time. He isn't a floral person so I used other patterns in it.