OK its happened again. This time the name game. I have to use the letters of my middle name to describe things that are relevant in my life. Well I have a long middle name with a Z in it so this going to be hard. OK here we go
E.. eyesight I do not know how I would cope without it.
L.. love from my family, friends and the cats.
I.. imagination running wild of how my dinning room will look after its makeover.
Z.. Zebras are very cute are they relevant in my life ? Well erm can you think of a Z??
A.. alcohol couldn't do without my odd glass of red wine & G&T
B.. beans cold baked beans on toast with marmite (or vegemite)
E.. England I love many other countries in the world but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else
T.. thrifting. I know its an American term but I can borrow it can't I.
H.. husband of 32 years I am going to blog about his birthday tomorrow.
So there you go Elizabeth I was going to cheat and say I spelt it with an S but I didn't. So now I have to find 9 others to get with this. So Sarah, Sue, Sophie,Hayley and Fred, Alison, Jo,Jenny and Kara its your turn to hurt your brains now.
It's called the name game, and here are the rules for those that choose to follow them: Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Well I'm off to the Vet with Lucy now I've had fun doing this.
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You did quite well Mary Elizabeth! At least we all got to hear from you today, so in that we are both successful. This has been the "zinith" of my my day!
Mary Elizabeth, this was a good meme. I have never heard of anyone liking cold baked beans on toast :o)
Groan - I hate my middle name (it's just not 'me' at all) - do I really have to?
Zebra? Now that was funny! This was a good read - I enjoyed learning a little more about you! Z....whew!, better you than me. lol (Although my great-grandma's middle name was Zuella, if you can imagine!).
hi mary
thanks for having a nosey at my attempt at blogging, I see from your posts that you have a few other enamel things, they are not as easy to come by here as I thought they would be and they are quite expensive, but everynow and then I find a bargain the enema pots were 8 euros for all 4 which is about a fiver. I am going to look out for a few more for the barn when we finish renovating.(www.theoldcafe.com)
speak soon I hope
Hi Mary, came to you via Jules, not sure if my blogging circle would thank me for more tagging ! thought your list witty though.
I do love reading people's tags! Thanks for tagging me too!
Hi Mary, finally found out how to leave a comment that not anoymous, thanks for the tag, will try and get it done today, but i am supposed to be working...but you know how it is, just one peek at the blog and were off into blogland for hours.....
Thanks, mary. I'm back off hols now so I'll settle down to this next week! (Oh, and by the way, I have two middle names.... Elizabeth Mary!)
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